The German Ichthyological Society

Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie e.V. (GfI)

  • Funding –  Research into the biology of fish under natural and artificial living conditions

  • Support – Ichthyological teaching at all levels of education

  • Cooperation At national and international level with institutions, groups and interested persons

And much more!

GfI conferences

An essential element of the GfI activities is the orientation of the scientific GfI conferences.


The Bulletin of Fish Biology (formerly: Zeitschrift für Fischkunde) is an official journal of the GfI and is published once a year. It contains scientific papers, up-to-date textbook reviews, as well as the communications of the Ichthyology Society.


The project "Digital Biodiversity Atlas - Open Access Display of Faunistic Data on the Internet" was awarded on 21 November 2013 as an official project of the UN Decade of Biodiversity.

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With the Rüdiger-Riehl-Award, the GfI honors outstanding achievements of young scientists in the field of nonhyological research.


18th meeting of the German Ichthyological Society (GfI), 17. to 20. November 2022, Vienna

September 26th, 2022|

Invitation 18th meeting of the German Ichthyological Society (GfI), 17.-20.11.22, Vienna, Natural History Museum 

Dear colleagues,

We would like to cordially invite you to the conference of the German Ichthyological Society (GfI), which will be held this November in the Natural History Museum Vienna

Invitation: Invitation GFI Conference

Registration: Anmeldeformular_Registration_GfI_2022_Wien Formular


We believe this would be a great opportunity for fish and freshwater ecology scientists from different institutions to meet and connect, so we are looking forward to your participation!

 The scientific program will mostly be held in English, and students/young researchers are especially welcome!

 Feel free to share the invitation to anyone interested and our apologies for cross-posting!

 Kind regards from the Vienna Team,

 Sara, Anja and Ernst


Priv.-Doz. Dr. Anja Palandačić
Fish Collection, 1. Zoological Department
Natural History Museum Vienna
Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria



GfI fish species atlas now also presents marine fishes

September 25th, 2022|

GfI fish species atlas now also presents marine fishes

The GfI Fish Species Atlas now also includes marine fish from the North and Baltic Seas. All 94 species from the “Red List and Total Species List of Established Fishes and Lampreys (Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii & Petromyzontida) of the Marine Waters of Germany” by Thiel et al. (2013) are included.

In addition, the atlas also shows numerous rarer, non-established species or those that have so far only been recorded outside Germany, e.g. Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus, Moonfish Mola mola, Slender driftfish Cubiceps gracilis or Long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus.

Study area

The study area comprises
– the German marine waters (territorial sea and the German Exclusive Economic Zone AWZ) as well as
– the area of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
– Geographically, however, fish records from adjacent marine areas (e.g. Oder Bay, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Rhine estuary) were also considered in individual cases.

The focus of interest tends to be on the rarer and economically insignificant species, many of which are often also referred to as “small fish species”, such as the sea stickleback Spinachia spinachia, Shan Lipophrys pholis or Hooknose Agonus cataphractus. For many other species, however, reference should be made to the extensive databases of e.g. GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility), OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System) or ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) for distribution maps, which are then explicitly referred to in the species descriptions.

Work in progress

At this point in time, the incorporation of the extensive distribution data and species descriptions cannot be regarded as nearly completed. The editors would therefore be pleased to receive information on literature as well as corrections and additions! Photos of the species are also very welcome, as soon as they can be posted here under the licence Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Distribution data can also be submitted at any time via the Biodiversity Warehouse app using a PC, tablet or mobile phone (Android, iOS). Registration via:!/home.

Editorial office

Working Ggroup “Fish Species Atlas – Fish Fauna Online”

Background photo

Thornback ray Raja clavata – once common, now threatened with extinction in Germany due to overfishing. Photo: GfI (Heiko Brunken)




An overview of the publications of the Ichthyologie Gesellschaft.

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