Freshwater hell: scientists race to save endangered fish from bushfire ash

Beitrag in The Guardian – International Edition

Hintergrundbild: (c) Assoc. Prof. Mark Lintermans, University of Canberra.  – A desperate rescue mission to the only known habitat of the stocky galaxias, in Kosciuszko national park, may be the last hope for the species. The fish in question was the stocky galaxias (Galaxias tantangara), an endemic freshwater species that grows to about 10cm and is known to live wild only in a three-kilometre stretch of Tantangara Creek, in the Kosciuszko national park. Scientists estimate there may have been a couple of thousand stocky galaxias remaining before this summer’s bushfires. As with many species, they are now unsure how many are left. Zum Online-Artikel in The Guardian

Background photo: credit to Chris Walsh/NSW DPI