Neue Publikation, mitverfasst von GfI-Mitglied Nikolas Straube, Team shark-references! Open access
New publication co-authored by N. Straube, team shark-references! Open access
The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras
Edited by Rima W. Jabado, Alexandra Z. A. Morata, Rhett H. Bennett, Brittany Finucci, Jim R. Ellis, Sarah L. Fowler, Michael I. Grant, Ana P. Barbosa Martins, and Sally L. Sinclair
Weigmann, S., Didier, D., Finucci, B., Naylor, G.J.P., Séret, B., Straube, N., & Vaz, D.F.B. (2024). 2 | Biodiversity, Taxonomy, and Systematics. In R.W. Jabado, A.Z.A. Morata, R.H. Bennett, B. Finucci, J.R. Ellis, S. Fowler, M.I. Grant &. A.P. Barbosa Martins, S.L. Sinclair (Eds.), The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras (pp. 5–28). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Lynghammar, A., Straube, N., Thomas, O. (2024). 7 | Regional Overviews, Northern Europe, Norway In R.W. Jabado, A.Z.A. Morata, R.H. Bennett, B. Finucci, J.R. Ellis, S. Fowler, M.I. Grant &. A.P. Barbosa Martins, S.L. Sinclair (Eds.), The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras (pp. 693–702). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Kleiner Schwarzer Dornhai Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus 1758), Foto: Heiko Brunken, Quelle: GfI-Fischartenatlas
Haie und Rochen im GfI-Fischartenatlas
Fundmeldungen und Artbeschreibungen von Haien und Rochen der deutschen Meeresgewässer und des Gebietes der Trilateralen Watteenmeerkooperation: