Coregonid2020 in Jyväskylä Finland June 2020: abstract submission by 15 Dec, 2019

Nachstehend die EINLADUNG des Organisationskomitees:

Dear Coregonid Fish Researcher,

The abstract submission of the Coregonid 2020 –meeting in Jyväskylä, Finland is open by 15th December, 2019. Thank you those of you which have already submit the abstracts! Abstract submission:

To request an ID for your abstract (max. 200 word), please select first “Request an ID for your abstract” and fill in the fields asked. After registration to the abstract submission system, you will be able to send your abstract and modify it later by logging in using the ID (four digit number given by the system) and your password. You will be able to edit your abstract any time needed until you submit it to review.

Oral presentations, posters and video blogs area called for five topics:

  • Biology, ecology & population dynamics
  • Genetics & evolutionary ecology
  • Stock assessment, fisheries management & conservation
  • Diseases, parasites & behaviour
  • Aquaculture & physiology

Plenary speakers in coregonid2020 are prof. Anna Kuparinen University of Jyväskylä, prof. Jeff Hutchings Dalhousie University, prof. Louis Bernatchez Laval University; prof.  Kai Lorenzen University of Florida, prof. Claus Wedekind University of Lausanne and  Dr. Jan Baer Fisheries Research Station of Baden-Württemberg.

We aim to try out an alternative presentation style for poster and thus, we open the option to represent your research by video blog. More information coming later if this option seem to be attractive. The proceedings of the meeting will be published open access in Annales Zoolocici Fennici  and in BioOne. Registration opens 1st February 2020 and the full registration fee will be 310 €. Information about the travelling and accommodation available now in web pages

If you have any questions, please contact .

Best Regards,

Organizing committee of the Coregonid 2020