Issue 1/2
Published: 2013
Kristin Scharnweber, Martin Plath & Michael Tobler
Trophic niche segregation between the sexes in two species of livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae)
Fishes of the genus Poecilia are highly sexually dimorphic. In the two species investigated here (P. latipinna and P. mexicana) males are, on average, of smaller body size and more colorful than females. Males also differ from females in time allocated to feeding as they engage in mating behavior almost dayround. We hypothesized that, due to different time allocations and energy requirements, the sexes might forage on different food items and thus could occupy different trophic niches. We investigated gut content compositions, intestinal tract length and gut fullness in multiple populations of P. latipinna and P. mexicana. Our finding of females having fuller guts than males corroborated sex differences in time allocation for foraging. A major difference between sexes was also found in intestinal tract length, with males consistently having shorter guts, likely refl ecting spatial constraints due to sexually dimorphic traits (like a more anterior anal porus). Contrary to prediction, however, gut content composition indicated no clear-cut pattern of sex-specific trophic niches across study sites. Niche widths, on the other hand, differed between sexes with males having narrower trophic niches than females. Overall, we found sex-specifi c differences in some aspects of feeding ecology, but no clear trophic niche segregation was detected.
Ingo Schindler & Stefan van der Voort
Re-description of Betta rubra Perugia, 1893 (Teleostei: Osphronemidae), an enigmatic fighting fish from Sumatra
Betta rubra, occurring from Meulaboh to Sibolga in north-western Sumatra, is formally re-described based on freshly collected preserved and live specimens. The species can be differentiated from other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters and character states: an iridescent light blue patch at pectoral fin origin, alternating black bars and red blocks ventrolaterally on the flank, presence of a dark triangular patch below the eye, absence of red twin bars on the opercle when preserved. Based on the differential diagnosis B. rubra is herein removed from the Betta foerschi species group, in which it was tentatively placed, and transferred into its own group. Uncertainties regarding its distribution are resolved. Biogeography and possible speciation of B. rubra are briefly discussed.
Rüdiger Riesch, Ingo Schlupp, Elke Schleucher, Phillipp Hildenbrand, Antonia Köhler, Lenin Arias–Rodriguez & Martin Plath
Reduced starvation resistance and increased metabolic rates in an unusual cave organism: the cave molly (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae)
Caves are traditionally thought to be resource-limited environments and consequently most cave-dwelling organisms examined have evolved increased starvation resistance and reduced metabolism (hypometabolism). Here, both aspects are investigated in the neotropical livebearing fish Poecilia mexicana from a toxic (H2S-rich), but highly productive cave and several populations from H2S-free surface habitats. P. mexicana shrank in response to a 10 days starvation period, but this reduction of body length was more pronounced in the cave ecotype. Both ecotypes reduced their metabolism as a response to starvation, but this effect did not differ significantly between ecotypes. Contrary to prediction, cave-dwelling P. mexicana clearly did not show lower metabolism; especially small cave fish even exhibited higher oxygen consumption than equal-sized surface fish. Presence of H2S in this particular cave ecosystem is known to have led to the evolution of improved physiological detoxification mechanisms in cave-dwelling P. mexicana. As sulphidedetoxification is energetically costly (i.e., ATP-consuming), the continuous presence of H2S during the evolutionary history of the cave ecotype may also have selected for increased ATP-production and thus, increased metabolism. Our study suggests that starvation adaptations may not be obligatory for cave life.
Cornelia Hinz & Ingo Schlupp
Possible effects of sperm limitation on the reproductive success of the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa (Poeciliidae)
Using artificial insemination we studied the role of sperm number on relative reproductive success in the gynogenetic Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa). This species is unisexual, but depends on mating with males for sperm of closely related species (Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia latipinna) to trigger embryogenesis. The male genome is not incorporated into the female genome; inheritance is strictly maternal. The correlation of sperm number and relative reproductive success is logarithmic and a minimum of about 50,000 sperm was determined. Below this number, the number of offspring drops off. A comparison with another study, which showed that males of the Atlantic molly (Poecilia mexicana) provide fewer sperm for Amazon mollies as compared to conspecifics, shows nonetheless that Amazon mollies typically receive far more sperm from males of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia latipinna than the minimum determined here.
Simon Brandl, Maximilian Wagner, Robert Hofrichter & Robert A. Patzner
First record of the clingfish Apletodon dentatus (Gobiesocidae) in the Adriatic Sea and a description of a simple method to collect clingfishes
Zwei Exemplare der Schildfischart Apletodon dentatus (Facciola, 1887) wurden in der Bucht von Sv. Petar auf der Insel Krk (nördliche Adria, Kroatien) gefangen. Dies ist der erste Nachweis dieser Art in der Adria. Eine einfache und effektive Methode Schildfi sche zu fangen, besteht darin, Teller umgekehrt auf das Substrat zu legen. Diese werden von den Schildfischen als Höhle angenommen.
Gerhard Ott
First records of Gobiopterus brachypterus and Mugilogobius tigrinus from Sri Lanka (Teleostei, Perciformes, Gobiidae: Gobionellinae)
Die Fischfauna der Süß- und Küstengewässer der Insel Sri Lanka (früher Ceylon) ist bei Weitem nicht so gut dokumentiert wie oft angenommen wird. Hier wird über Erstfunde der zwei Grundelarten Gobiopterus brachypterus und Mugilogobius tigrinus aus der Familie Gobiidae von der Insel Sri Lanka berichtet. Beide Gattungen und Arten waren bisher von Sri Lanka nicht bekannt. G. brachypterus wurde 1998 erstmalig in küstennahen Lagunengewässern der Provinz Matara entdeckt; das bisherige Verbreitungsgebiet erstreckte sich von Sumatra, Java, den Philippinen bis Nordaustralien. M. tigrinus wurde bisher nur in Südthailand, Malaysia und Singapur gefunden. Durch die neuen Funde erhöht sich die Anzahl der von Sri Lanka bekannten Gattungen der Familie Gobiidae, Unterfamilie Gobiinae, von zehn auf zwölf. Die beiden Grundelarten G. brachypterus und M. tigrinus leben in küstennahen Süßgewässern, Ästuarien und Lagunen. Die Fortpflanzungsbiologie beider Arten ist unzureichend erforscht.
C. Dieter Zander
Zoogeographical and ecological comparison of reef fishes of Tobago Caribbean and Cape Verde (tropical eastern Atlantic)
Im Februar 2008 wurden vor Tobago (Westatlantik, Karibik) und im Oktober 2009 vor der Kap Verde Insel San Tiago (tropischer Ostatlantik) jeweils 14 Tage Unterwasserbeobachtungen zur Artenvielfalt und Häufigkeit der Rifffische durchgeführt. Das Ziel war ein zoogeografischer und ökologischer Vergleich der beiden Fischgemeinschaften mit den jeweiligen ökologischen Stellvertretern und der Analyse ihrer Rolle im Ökosystem. Diese wurden anhand von Habitat, Nahrung, Aktivitätszeit und Schwarmbildung gekennzeichnet. Zur Quantifizierung wurden Frequenzen (Vorkommen in den einzelnen Habitaten) verwendet. Die Fischgemeinschaften der beiden Areale bestanden mehrheitlich aus eigenständigen Arten, aber auch der Anteil der gemeinsamen Arten war relativ hoch (Tab. 1). Arten mit hohen Frequenzen waren zahlreicher in San Tiago als in Tobago (Tab. 2 und 3). Dagegen waren in Tobago mehr Arten Höhlenbewohner als in San Tiago, ihre Frequenzsumme war allerdings dort größer (Tab. 4). Die Lebensformen des Nahrungserwerbs wurden in sechs Kategorien eingeteilt, wobei mit 75-79 % große Ähnlichkeiten zwischen beiden Inseln vorhanden waren (Tab. 5). Auffallend war der geringe Anteil der Putzerfi sche in San Tiago (Tab. 6). Die Addierung der Frequenzen von Arten gleicher oder sehr ähnlicher Lebensweise (Lebensformen) ist eine genauere Möglichkeit, Fischgemeinschaften zu analysieren, als wenn nur die Zahl der Arten summiert wird (KÖPCKE 1956).