From Aquafarm to Fork? Sustainable Aquaculture as Part of a Resilient Global Food System

Public Keynote and Roundtable Discussion

Date: Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Time: 15:30 to 20:00
Location: Embassy of Brazil, Wallstraße 57, 10179 Berlin

The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina co-organize the workshop „Sustainable Aquaculture – Environmental Impacts and Food Security“ from 16-19 October 2023 in Berlin. As part of this workshop, a public keynote and a roundtable discussion are organized with the kind support of the Embassy of Brazil in Germany.

Aquaculture has become an alternative for animal protein supply because it converts feed more efficiently into meat than many forms of land-based husbandry. Despite these advantages, the aquacultural sector is confronted with concerns about its environmental and social impacts, especially regarding water pollution, the outbreaks and handling of diseases, and the loss of natural habitats and ecosystems. But how can aquaculture be sustainable and more efficient, ideally mitigating and not contributing to climate change?

The roundtable contemplates a blue transformation of the global food system and the role sustainable aquaculture could have despite its negative impacts (and image). Can sustainable aquaculture be a promising alternative for the FAO’s blue growth initiative or the EU’s Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership and Farm to Fork Strategy? How can aquaculture meet future challenges of high-quality, nutritious, responsibly produced food? What are the most promising approaches, strategies, and tools to make aquaculture more sustainable and efficient? What are the best tools and techniques to organize a sustainable value chain for aquaculture at a short distance? How can stakeholders overcome political obstacles, economic opportunity costs, and consumer restraint?


The keynote and roundtable discussion are open to the public, free of charge and will also be broadcasted online. The event will be held in English. Prior registration is required until 13 October 2023. When registering, please indicate whether you will be attending on site or online:


For participation at the Embassy, the security measures of the Brazilian Embassy apply.

It is planned to broadcast the event online. The registration for this and the access link will be made available soon


Dr. Thomas Plötze
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
International Relations Department
T: +49 345 472 39-830